Day :
- Workshop on Challenges & Opportunities of Agtech Distribution in Developing Countries
Location: Gingko tree room
Session Introduction
Manuela Zoninsein
CMO and Cofounder of AgVali, USA
Title: Challenges & Opportunities of Agtech Distribution in Developing Countries
Time : 11:30 - 12:30

Manuela Zoninsein received her Master of Science from the University of Oxford in Modern Chinese Studies, focusing on China’s pesticide polizie, and her BA from Harvard University in Social Studies, and Latin American Studies. She is the CMO and cofounder of AgVali, a cross-border marketplace platform connecting world-class suppliers of agriculture inputs and equipment with qualified distributors in new markets. She has published hundreds of article in publications globally in English, Mandarin, Portuguese, and Spanish.
There are 1 million agricultural distributors servicing 1.2+ billion farmers globally, but emerging market distributors struggle to keep up with the rapidly modernizing needs of farmers who are working to become more efficient and sustainable, and to identify and access suitable new solutions and supplier relationships. On the other hand, agriculture innovation & investment in developed countries is booming: US$4.2B is expected in early-stage investments for 2015 in the U.S. alone (ahead of fintech or medtech, per AgFunder). Yet these suppliers are struggling to identify or build distributions channels to access buyers in new markets. The AgVali platform enables Retailers to satisfy their farmer-clients’ needs, to learn about new products, and to connect with new suppliers globally. Our platform simultaneously enables Suppliers to consider new markets & viable sales channels, to thereby increase their revenues, valuations, & access to a broader spectrum of customers. We aim to drive the future of farming by connecting the long-tail in agriculture, thereby helping farmers and distributors in emerging markets to purchase the products they need to stay effective and productive; by opening new sales channels needed for innovative and SME suppliers to grow and pick up speed; and by helping emerging market farmers and distributors to create their first digital “footprints” so as to demonstrate their needs globally which in turn can re-orient the agriculture market according to bottom-up, alternative visions of innovation.
- Global Food Security
Aquaculture in Food Security
Sustainable Food Production Systems
consumer Behavior and Nutritional Security
Bio fuels and its Importance
Location: Beijing, China
Gamal Fouad Mohamed
National Research Centre, Egypt
Francesca Hansstein
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China
Session Introduction
Beatrice Anim AIGHEWI
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
Title: Progress in enhancing yam productivity in West Africa through sustainable availability of high quality seed
Time : 13:30 - 14:00

Dr Beatrice Aighewi is an Agronomist and Yam Seed Systems Specialist in the “Yam Improvement for Income and Food Security in West Africa” project of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria. She completed her PhD in 1998 from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria after an MSc from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria. She has lectured on different aspects of Agronomy at the University of Dschang, Cameroon and University of Abuja, Nigeria. Her research activities and publications are focused on propagation of tropical root and tuber crops.
Yam (Dioscorea spp) is important for household food security and income generation for at least 60 million people in West Africa, a region that produces more than 93% of world yam in 47 million hectares. However, average yield of 12 t/ha is much lower than the potential of 26 t/ha. Among the major constraints in yam production are the shortage of quality seed due to low multiplication ratio, and high prevalence of diseases and pests in field and storage. The BMGF funded “Yam Improvement for Income and Food Security in West Africa (YIIFSWA)” project was set up with a five-year goal to increase yam productivity by 40% for 200,000 small-holder yam farmers in Ghana and Nigeria, as well as deliver technologies to improve the productivity and livelihoods of these farmers. A participatory approach integrating training, demonstrations and study visits is used to encourage smallholder yam farmers to improve the quality of their saved seed. So far, 323 demonstration plots (300 m2) have been established and 54,872 farmers directly trained in production of quality seed. A formal seed yam system was initiated with novel methods of rapidly multiplying yams using the temporary immersion bioreactor and aeroponics systems, developed to produce high quality pre-basic and basic seed. Production of micro-tubers using vine cuttings is being promoted. Sensitive virus indexing tools, procedures to generate virus-free yams and a seed yam quality management protocol were developed to produce quality planting material. This integrated approach will ensure sustainable availability of high quality seed yams.
Ofira Ayalon
University of Haifa and Samuel Neaman Institute, Israel
Title: Lost and found- A preleminary assessment of food waste in Israel
Time : 14:00 - 14:30

Ofira Ayalon holds a B.Sc. in Food Engineering and her Ph.D. deals with waste management. All her academic titles were given by the Technion- Israel Institute of Technology. Her current research activity closes the loop of food and waste. She is the director of the Natural Resource and Environmental Research Center and head of the department of the Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Management at the University of Haifa. She also heads the Environment Cluster Samuel Neman Institute at the Technion
Food loss occurs all along the supply chain- from post-harvest, through processing and production stages, at the retail sector and in homes. The world’s estimates are between 30-40% losses and the economic, environmental and social outcomes are severe. Not only that resources were invested in producing the food (manpower, energy, water, fertilizers etc.), this lost food will not reach the plate and will contribute to increased pollution if left in the field or discarded in a landfill. The study presented will reveal estimates of food loss in Israel. The study includes analysis of existing data, interviews with experts in the field, and an in depth analysis of food waste produced in households. Our assessments reveal 200,000 tons per year of edible agricultural surpluses, usually destroyed by farmers, or left in the fields for different economic reasons. Only 10,000 tons of fresh fruits and vegetables are saved. In order to minimize the loss of food and production of waste, there is a need to develop clear policies, both in order to reduce agricultural produce surplus and limit produce destruction and optimally utilize the surplus, if formed. Wasted food in households is much more complicated to assess. General waste survey will not reveal the amount of edible food thrown away. A new methodology to assess the avoidable food loss will be introduced in order to better understand and set appropriate policy. Policies should address food security on the one hand and minimizing environmental and economic losses on the other hand.
Gourab Samanta
Odissa University of Agriculture and Technology, India
Title: Safe food production from poultry, Japanese quail and pigs with antibiotic alternative
Time : 14:30 - 15:00

Gourab Samanta has completed his BVSc and AH from Jabalpur Veterinary University, India. After qualifying ICAR, he is pursuing his MVSc in Poultry Science from Odissa University of Agriculture and Technology. He has published four papers in reputed journals.
In view of antibiotic free meat production from broiler chicks, Japanese quail and pigs, antibiotic growth promoter was compared to different organic acid salts (OAS) with or without Yeast Mann Oligosaccharide (MOS). In the first experiment, day old chicks of Japanese Quail (n-250) were randomly assigned into seven dietary treatments: Control (T0) chicks with a standard basal diet; T1-basal diet with antibiotic (Bacitracin Methyl Disalisylate-BMD) at 0.5 gKg-1; T2-diet with sodium butyrate at 5 gKg-1; diet with MOS 1 gKg-1; diet with ammonium formate at 1 gKg-1, calcium propionate 1 g Kg-1 and sodium butyrate 5 gKg-1; diet with sodium butyrate 5 gKg-1 and MOS at 1 gKg-1; Ammonium formate at 1 gKg-1, calcium propionate at 1 gKg-1, sodium butyrate at 5 gKg-1 and MOS at 1 gKg-1 of the diet. Six weeks feeding trial indicated supplementation of organic acids significantly (P<0.05) increased live weight gain with superior feed conversion. Organic acids also reduces the bacterial load in gut than antibiotic. In the second experiment, broiler chicks were randomly distributed in six groups having four replicates of ten birds in each. The experimental groups were: Control (T0)-provided with standard basal diet; T1-ammonium formate (0.1%) calcium propionate (0.15%), and MOS (0.2%); T2 ammonium formate (0.15%) and calcium propionate (0.15%); T3-ammonium formate (0.1%) calcium propionate (0.1%), calcium lactate (0.1%) and activated charcoal (0.1%); T4-with BMD (0.05%). Six weeks growth study showed that significantly higher (P<0.05) body weight gain and improved feed conversion were observed in the group (T1), supplemented with OAS and MOS combination than antibiotic (T4) and control (T0) groups respectively. The pathogenic organism count in the gut was reduced with organic acids compared to antibiotic supplementation. In the third experiment, Ghungroo pigs, a local variety were divided in to four experimental groups. Group T0 (control) was provided with standard pig starter and grower diet; group T1-diet with calcium lactate (0.1%), calcium propionate (0.1%) and ammonium formate (0.1%), group T2-with organic acids and Mann oligosaccharide (0.1%) and group T3-with antibiotic supplement aurofac 14 (0.05%) respectively. 90 days feeding trial indicated that there was significantly (P<0.05) superior weight grain and feed efficiency compared to control (T0) and antibiotic supplementation. The microbiological study in feeds and faeces indicated that microbial count like E.coli, coliform and clostridium were significantly (p<0.05) lower with organic acids. From the present findings, it may be inferred that organic acids and mannoligosaccharide may be an alternative of antibiotic for safe food production and controlling of pathogenic microorganism in poultry, Japanese quail and pig production.
Galiwango Henry
Makerere University, Uganda
Title: The association between the extent of women’s participation in agriculture-decision making and household food security in Luwero district, Central Uganda
Time : 15:00 - 15:30

Galiwango Henry is in the final stages of completing his Master’s degree at Makerere University. He finished his first degree in Agriculture Education at Makerere University. He has been a Tutor in School of Education at Makerere and Bugema Universities (both in Uganda). His research area is basically gender, agriculture and food security.
Globally, women greatly contribute to the food-security of their households through their role in growing food-crops and marketing those crops to raise income for purchasing food products, not grown besides being very crucial in ensuring household dietary diversity, by selecting what foods to serve depending on availability. But, their low access to and control over resources in the household reduces their influence over household decisions regarding agricultural production. Little is known as to whether this state affects their ability to ensure food security of their households. The study sought to determine the association between the extent of women’s participation in agriculture decision-making and household food-security in Luwero district, Central Uganda using a descriptive cross sectional survey design on a randomized sample of 135 women from dual-headed farming households in Luwero Sub-county, Luwero district. The women empowerment in agriculture index (WEAI) tool helped to determine the extent of women’s participation as well as the household food insecurity access scale (HFIAS) to determine the food security status of the households. Chi square tests helped determine the association between the extent of women’s participation in agricultural decision-making and household food. Majority of women (62%) had a moderate decision-making position and only 30% had a high decision-making position in agricultural production. However, the Chi-square test conducted revealed a statistically significant association between women’s participation in agriculture decision-making and household food-security (X2=15.230; p=0.004) thus showing the likely contribution of women to food-security if they fully participate in making agricultural decisions.
Samuel Udo
Cross River University of Technology, Nigeria
Title: Consumer preference, conservation and sustainability
Time : 15:45 - 16:20

Samuel Udo has completed his PhD in 2010 from the University of Calabar Nigeria. He studied Plant Pathology and Ethnobotany. Presently, he is the National President of Biopesticides Society of Nigeria. He has published more than 40 papers in reputable journals and is an Assistant Editor in some national journals. His main area of research is Conservation and Food Security.
This research was undertaken to assess the extent of consumers’ preference of some commonly consumed but lesser known leafy vegetables and seeds on conservation of food stuff and their sustainability. The interest was borne out of the fact that only preferred vegetables and seeds are consumed as food in Nigeria and most sub-Saharan African countries and they conserved ex situ by consumers. The research was carried out across the state (Cross River) in south-south Nigeria where the main occupation is farming. Biochemical analysis of the vegetables and seeds was carried out. Questionnaires were administered in selected villages and cities. Community town hall meetings were held for information gathering. Analysis of responses in the questionnaires showed that most (80%) of the vegetable and seeds cultivated, are those that can be purchased by people in the cities and not handed down preference (20%). Some consumers noted that they eat some of the vegetables because of their medicinal content (32%) while (68%) said it was because they need to eat to survive. However, most of these preferred vegetables are herbs and very few are shrubs. From information gathered, there are many vegetables from trees that are consumed by the locals but not cultivated because of lack of market value. Biochemical analysis of the vegetables showed that most of the less preferred vegetables and seeds have excellent nutrient composition, low toxicants and so, can fringe malnutrition triple burden of obesity, undernutrition and low micronutrients. Their cultivation and sustainability will not only help in food security but also protect the environment. Encouraging farmers to grow more of these lesser-known vegetables and seeds through well-developed interest in consumers, is an excellent way of achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) that will reduce hunger and poverty.
Francesca Hansstein
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China
Title: Understanding collaborative consumption in emerging economies: The case of Brazil
Time : 16: 20 - 16:55

Francesca Hansstein is a Research and Assistant Professor at the School of Public Economics and Administration of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. Before joining SUFE, she has spent one year at West Virginia University (USA) as a Researcher. She earned a PhD in Agrifood Economics and Statistics from the University of Bologna (Italy) and has spent one year at New York University as a visiting PhD student. She has published in academic journals like Journal of Cleaner Production, Global Health Promotion and the American Journal of Health Promotion. She is interested in understanding consumer behavior in relation to food choice and sustainability
Access-based consumption that eschews goods ownership and revolves around giving, exchanging and obtaining goods and services through peer-to-peer networks or usage fees is considered one of the most transformative and scalable trends towards sustainability. These expressions–labeled collaborative or shared consumption, or the sharing economy have the potential to materialize sustainable consumption by redistributing, reusing, repairing and reducing what is to be consumed. Similar to other forms of sustainable consumption theory posits, these practices occur as a result of influences usually absent from standard models of individual ownership of consumer goods such as concerns for the environment, community and a less corporatized and money-dependent economy. However, there has been little empirical research on how citizens engage with shared consumption and what drives their engagement; even more so in developing societies. This paper aims to address these points by modelling consumers’ orientations, intentions and behavior towards collaborative consumption after an extended version of the theory of planned behavior, using a survey of sharing economy practices and motivations in Brazil. Our results reveal that forces behind the potential acceptance of collaborative consumption (e.g., intentions) differ from those who led consumers to action. We also find that individually expected emotional payoffs, the perceived easiness for enacting shared consumption, and its social legitimacy play a far more critical role than values or perceived material rewards.
- Work shop on Innovations in food processing and preservation techniques
Location: Gingko tree room
Session Introduction
Gamal Fouad Mohamed
National Research Centre, Egypt
Title: Innovations in food processing and preservation techniques
Time : 10:50 - 11:50

Gamal Fouad Mohamed has completed his PhD in Food Science in 1997. He is a member in several projects and Lecturer in Training Courses for evaluation of food quality assurance. He won three prizes for the best scientific research and published 36 research papers in international journals in the field of Food Science and Technology.
Food preservation is through common preservation techniques such as salting, drying, canning, smoking and other. Where, the main problem with the thermal processing method is loss of colour, flavor, vitamins and other nutrients in food products. The food industry is currently interested to use some of novel production and processing technologies that may result in economical and improved quality products. Innovation in food technology goes in parallel with consumer demand for healthy food and safer while improving the quality and shelf life. Novel technologies like microwave heating, the new techniques such as high-pressure processing (HPP), innovations to packaging materials (Active packaging techniques extend the possibility of keeping food quality at its best during storage), and use of preservatives (chemical additives) in food has expanded a great deal in recent years, such as natural anti -microbial preservatives and antioxidants). Also, some of the future methods of food preservation are irradiation, although, these methods are currently in use, they are expected to expand and develop further. The development of novel nano-technological tools and other bioactive ingredients will also contribute to the development of value added food products.
- Science, Sociology and Economics
Environment Changes and Food Security in China
Hybridization and its Effects
Urbanization and Food Value Chains
Trade Liberalization
Genetically Modified Crops
Location: Gingko tree room
Gamal Fouad Mohamed
National Research Centre, Egypt
Francesca Hansstein
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China
Session Introduction
Samuel Marfo
University for Development Studies
Title: Conflict and food insecurity: An introspection of bumkpurugu-yooyun district in northern Gana
Time : 11:50 - 12:25

Samuel Marfo is currently work as professor at Department of Social, Political and Historical Studies,University for Development Studies, Faculty of Integrated Development Studies.
Food insecurity has been a major problem confronting developing nations including Ghana as it results in considerable health, social and psychological consequences, which invariably undermines human security. This study sought to explore how intra-ethnic conflicts affect household food sufficiency in the Bumkpurugu-Yunyoo District in the Northern Region of Ghana, which in contemporary times has witnessed occasional destructive conflicts notably between the Konkombas and the Bimobas. Given the objective of the study, both purposive and random sampling techniques were used in selecting 107 respondents from four conflict prone communities namely Bimbagu, Jimbale, Kpamale and Nyankpanduri. Data gathered through semi-structured interview between June, 2015 and December, 2015 in an exploratory study revealed that food insecurity in the study locality has been partly facilitated by the burning of farms and food stock, food thefts, and insecurity and induced migration which result in low economic activities. This paper therefore advocates for continuous dialogue, swift intervention into conflict situations by the justice system, as well as periodic education and training of traditional and opinion leaders in conflict detection and management as a way of managing disagreements among the various (ethnic) groups in the study locality without the recourse to violence.
Marlina Adly
Andalas University, Indonesia
Title: Molecular Characterization of Vibrio parahaemolyticus Isolated From Different Raw Food Sources in Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia
Time : 12:25 - 13:00

Marlina has completed her PhD at the age of 45 years from Universiti Putra Malaysia. She is the Professor on Microbiology in Faculty of Pharmacy, Andalas University. She also interest to research about Vaccine, especially for Human Papilloma Virus and stem cell medicine, especially for osteoarthritis disease.
Vibrio parahaemolyticus was identified from shrimp (Penaeus monodon), white shrimp (Penaeus merguensis), “kelong” shrimp (Penaeus indicus). The bacteria were recovered using chromagenic Vibrio agar. Isolated V. parahaemolyticus was further characterized by plasmid profiling. The virulence genes of the isolates (toxR, tdh, trh) that produce pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus were screened by PCR assay. The plasmid profiling analysis showed that out of 20 isolates, only 5 isolates contained plasmids. Specific PCR showed that 120 (100%) of the isolates carried toxR gene, 6 (9.7%) isolates possessed trh genes, only 1 (1.6%) have tdh gene.
Rameshwar Singh Pande
Samarth- Nepal Market Development Programme, Nepal
Title: Negative supply of quality fodder- A threat for competitive dairy market growth: A critical assessment
Time : 14:00 - 14:30

Rameshwar Singh Pande is a National Professional in the field of Livestock, Pasture, Fodder and Rangeland in Nepal. He has completed his Master’s degree from Massey University, New Zealand in 1990 and possess a sound track record under government as well as holding several key positions at international organisation. Presently, he is contributing as a Senior Advisor Forage in Samath-Nepal Market Development Programme. He has published four books on Forage and Pasture Development in Nepal and over 20 recearch/review papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an peer reviewer and technical comittee member of many relevant organisations.
A significant achievement made in commercialized livestock production, however, competitive and sustainable production due to short supply of quality fodder still a challenge. Majority of commercial dairy producers rely on straw with higher doses of grain by-products which are neither healthier nor cost efficient. For the development of sustainable and competitive strategy; updated assessment of feed balance to address the crosscutting issues of dairy sector are important. The assessment reveals the overall demand of feeds is 30.2 m. mt DM and supply is only 18.3 m mt DM. Thus, the deficit of DM is -11.9 m mt DM. The supply of crop residues exceeds the demand by 0.8 m mt DM, but the deficit of green fodder is (-) 10.6 m mt DM. Significant deficit of green fodder seriously affects on health conditions and productivity. Such a negative supply of feed and fodder has compelled the commercialized dairy producers to look for easily available ration i.e. straw and grain by-products. But such conventional feeding practices have resulted into higher feeding cost. Based on this assumption, about 125,000 ha to support dairy producers either agricultural or community land under intensive fodder cultivation is needed. For this, the government and potential international organizations should come forward to address such a crisis for the sustainability and competitive dairy market growth.
Oladapo A A
Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Nigeria
Title: Perception of climatic variability on food security and consumption pattern of rural households in Idanre Local Government Area, Ondo State, Nigeria
Time : 14:30 - 15:00

Oladapo A A has completed her Master of Science degree in Nutrition and Dietetics with PhD grade from Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. She is a Lecturer and Examination Officer in the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Rufus Giwa polytechnic, Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria. She is a Registered Dietitian and Member of Association of Dietitians in Nigeria (MADN), Nutrition Society of Nigeria (MNSN) and Women in Technical Education and Employment (MWITED). She has published 10 papers in reputed journals as well as presented nine papers in conferences and workshops.
The study was designed to assess the awareness of the farm settlers in Idanre Local Government Area (LGA) on the impact of climatic variability on food production and food security status. 100 households, whose major occupation was farming, were randomly selected in 4 rural communities of Idanre LGA Ondo State, Nigeria. Semi structured questionnaire was used to obtain information on socio economic characteristics, availability and affordability of some staple foods, coping strategy during food crisis, food security status and awareness on climatic variability. The results showed that 59% were male while 41% were female, majority (93%) of the households reported that some of the staple foods such as cassava were both available and affordable. While result on food consumption pattern showed that 44% of the households consumed cassava more than four times per week and the overall consumption of roots and tuber were high (90%). Food security status of the households using coping strategy index showed that 47% of the household had no/low coping strategy and one quarter (25%) of the households reported that they reduce the number of their meal while 40% purchased food on credit. Awareness of the households on the impact of climatic variability on food production showed that majority (75%) were aware that climatic variability reduces soil nutrients with resultant effect on crops yield. The farm households were aware of the impact of climatic variability on food production but lacked adequate knowledge on adaptation strategy.
Hattim Makki
Sudan University of Science and Technology, Sudan
Title: Production of drum dried ready-to-serve Sorghum ]Sorghum biocolor (L) Moench[-white bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) instant infants food.
Time : 15:00 - 15:30

Hattim Makki has completed his PhD from Institute of Food Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences, Vienna, Austria. Now, he is a Professor in Food Science and Technology and the Head of Food Science and Technology Department, College of Agricultural Studies, Sudan University of Science and Technology. He has published more than 20 papers in reputed journals. He has been serving as an Editorial Board Member of NFRC Journal of Food Science and Technology.
Protein energy malnutrition (PEM) is considered as the top of the nutritional problems especially among children in Sudan or other African countries where sorghum is the main source of energy and protein. Therefore, feterita sorghum as a basic staple food in Sudan and white bean as a protein supplement were selected as basic raw materials for production of drum dried sorghum based-ready-to-serve instant infants food. The results obtained in this study confirmed the great beneficial effects of white beans supplementation on sorghum nutritional value. Addition of white beans flour to feterita sorghum flour at ratios of 30:70 overcame lysine amino acid deficiency in sorghum protein. Also, all the other essential amino acids in sorghum-white beans composite flour were found more abundant than is needed for the different physiological needs for infants or pre-school children as envisaged by the FAO/WHO/UN. Moreover, the net protein value in sorghum native flour increased from 5.7% to 19.0% in sorghum white beans composite flour. Beside, the ratios of the amino acids leucine to isoleucine, leucine to lysine and arginine to lysine were favorably remained below the safety limits that predicted by the FAO to prevent the pellagragenic effects of sorghum protein. On the other hand, the drum dried method used in this study was found suitable for processing Feterita sorghum-white beans composite flour into ready-to-serve instant infants’ food with high nutritional-high energy values and acceptable functional properties.
Alice Tirkey
College of Agriculture- IGKV, India
Title: Combining ability analysis for root yield in ashwagandha (Withania somnifera (L.)
Time : 15:45 - 16:15

Alice Tirkey has completed her PhD in Genetics and Plant Breeding from IGKV, Raipur (C.G), India. She is working as Scientist in College of Agriculture, IGKV, Raipur (C.G), India. She has worked in rice quality, hydrid development, screening of drought in rice crop of safflower and presently working in crop improvement in medicinal and aromatic plants viz. screening of quality and quantitative traits and developing hybrids. She has good publication in all the above said crops in reputed journal and has published more than 15 papers.
Combining ability analysis was carried out for days to 50% flowering, Plant height (cm), No. of primary branches per plant, No. of secondary root per plant, root girth per plant (cm), root length per plant (cm), fresh root yield per plant (g), dry root yield per plant (g), No. of secondary root per plant, No. of berries per plant and biological yield in a systematic set of crosses involving 3 lines and 6 testers. The analysis of variance of combining ability for most character revealed significant variability among parents, cross, Line x Tester, and parents vs. crosses. Among the line RAS-7 was found best combiner for days to 50% flowering, No. of primary branches per plant, root girth per plant (cm), root length per plant (cm), fresh root yield per plant (g) and No. of berries per plant where as, RAS-15 showed best general combiner for plant height (cm) and IGAU-1 for dry root yield per plant (g) and for No. secondary root per plant. Among the tester MWS-310 and Poshita were rate as best general combiner for root yield per plant (g). The cross RAS-7X Poshita and IGAU-1XWS-90-111 recorded significant heterosis for fresh root yield per plant (g) and its contributing traits. The crosses RAS-15XMWS-310 and RAS-7X Poshita recorded significant heterosis for dry root yield per plant (g). This cross may be considered for exploitation for the production of root yield in ashwagandha. This might be due to favourable dominant gene, over dominance or epistataic gene.
Christopher R Bryant
University of Montreal, Canada
Title: The challenges of peri-urban farmland in developed countries and developing countries for food security: The new realities of climate change and variability
Time : 16:15 - 16: 45

Christopher R Bryant has completed his Doctorate in 1970 from the London School of Economics and Political Science. His research has been focused on “Peri-urban agriculture and its relationships with cities for almost 50 years, the adaptation of agriculture to climate change and variability (25 years) and local and community development (30 years)” with extensive publications and communications in all three domains. He has been a Professor at the University of Waterloo and the University of Montreal, and is currently Adjunct Professor at the Universities of Montreal and Guelph.
Food security deals with issues of food “quality”, sustainable agricultural practices and accessibility to impoverished urban populations. In many developed countries, many large cities are surrounded by high quality farmland resources in temperate climates (e.g. in North America and Western Europe). A rapidly emerging reality is the differential impact of Climate Change and Variability (CCV) on farming in different areas and the need for appropriate agricultural adaptation to CCV. In many developed countries, appropriate adaptation can maintain food production levels even though crop composition may change. However, in many developing countries (e.g. in North and West Africa) existing climate conditions and CCV can reduce peri-urban areas’ ability to contribute to national and local food security. Two challenges are: Short of reversing CCV, many developing countries will become more dependent upon food imports from developed countries-what does this imply? And; this increases the need to conserve farmland resources in developed countries, a real challenge given continuing urban development pressures. How can agricultural management and planning in such areas integrate food security both locally and internationally and conserve their farmland resources? This is illustrated using a number of pertinent examples from different countries.