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Rudra Bahadur Shrestha

Rudra Bahadur Shrestha

Agricultural Development Nepal


Rudra Bahadur Shrestha, PhD in Agricultural Economics from the National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan in 2015, and master’s degree in Agricultural Economics from the University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB) in 2009. Dr. Rudra has long and extensive experiences (20 years) in many institutions with different capacities. Recently, he devotes as a Senior Agricultural Economist for the Government of Nepal and responsible for formulating policies and programs, developing projects, cooperation and coordination with donors and international communities (for example, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, EU, FAO, UNDP, IFPRI, USAID, JICA, SDC, Danida, etc.) on multidimensional aspects of agricultural development in Nepal. Dr. Rudra has also been serving as a Visiting Professor for Agricultural Economics, Development Economics, and Business Management in the Thai Nguyen University, Vietnam and the Purbanchal University, Nepal. He has published dozens of papers related to agriculture efficiency, agricultural marketing and trade, food security and poverty in impact factor peer reviewed journals, and also serving as editor and reviewer in many journals. Dr. Rudra has been involving in different professional organizations; Secretary General for Nepalese Agricultural Economics Society, Advisor for Global Food Security Strategy-USAID Nepal, National Adviser for Peace Corps Volunteer Program-Nepal, and Member for National Project Steering Committees of different donor funded projects. The research interest of Dr. Rudra are agriculture productivity growth, technology change and efficiency analysis, agriculture commercialization, trade and competitiveness, and cross-cutting issues of agriculture with food and nutrition security, and poverty reduction of smallholders in developing countries.


Research Interest

Agricultural and Food Economics.